Bringing ideas, imagination, creativity and knowledge to enrich lives and build thriving communities

We’re on a mission to close the literacy gap


Free and unlimited access

Public libraries challenge one of the key causes of the literacy gap. In a society where book ownership, reading and literacy is strongly related to socio-economic status, they offer everyone free access to books.

Become a library member >>



BorrowBox is the UK’s most popular platform for eBooks and eAudiobooks, with the widest range of content and the most intuitive interface available. This service is completely free and is accessed by downloading the BorrowBox app and signing in with your library membership number and PIN.

Find out more about BorrowBox >>


Reading Well Books on Prescription

Reading groups

Reading groups are a wonderful way of sharing your love of reading and inspiring you to try something a bit different.

Libraries Unlimited can support your reading group through our Choices reading group service. You’ll get:

  • A group library card with an 8-week loan period
  • Over 900 reading group book titles to choose from
  • Sets supplied regularly throughout the year on a pattern to suit your group

To take advantage of this service, your reading group will need to join Libraries Unlimited. To get your group ticket, speak to a member of library staff.

Find out more about reading groups>>


Impact Story: Language Cafes

In Exmouth Library, volunteers have worked with Afghan women since January 2022.

As the Afghan women were very frightened at the beginning, they met upstairs, away from the public.  The volunteers found some second-hand sewing machines and the participants came to these monthly meetings to sew. Then, the volunteers organised a female-only English conversation class on Friday afternoons – as this was one condition for the Afghan women to attend.

Since September 2023, the volunteers registered as Libraries Unlimited volunteers and offer an English conversation class every Friday afternoon.

This class has become for any migrants of any gender.  One Kurdish woman who was touched that there were two English women dedicated their time for free to teach her English.


Libraries Unlimited believes…

…in the unlimited potential of library services to make a positive difference to people’s lives and communities through a shared love of reading and access to high quality information and facilities.