Literacy and education

Bringing ideas, imagination, creativity and knowledge to enrich lives and build thriving communities

Literacy and education

Why it matters

‘Literacy and libraries are inextricably linked to opportunity and empowerment. Increasing levels of literacy increases life opportunities, earnings and health outcomes. Raising literacy levels across a community will have collective economic and social benefits.’ (Literacy Trust)

A child’s earliest years are pivotal to their development and life chances. Research shows an undeniable link between literacy levels and social inequality, and that encouraging reading for pleasure in children can be life changing.

The ‘cost of literacy crisis‘ isn’t limited to children and young people. In 2022 it was reported that 9 million adults in the UK are facing literacy challenges, which consequently has a huge impact on educational outcomes, employment and our economy.

What we can do about it

We empower parents and inspire children

We host family events and activities, and have developed our own purpose-built challenges encouraging children to develop a life-long love of reading.

Mother and two daughters attending arts workshop, shown drawing and writing

We support teachers and practitioners

Libraries Unlimited bought the Schools Literacy Network in 2023 to provide support to schools, teachers, parents and children.

We’re on a mission to close the literacy gap

We believe literacy and books are for everyone – we host events and provide support so that everybody can achieve their true potential.

Libraries Unlimited believes…

…in the unlimited potential of library services to make a positive difference to people’s lives and communities through a shared love of reading and access to high quality information and facilities.