Bringing ideas, imagination, creativity and knowledge to enrich lives and build thriving communities


It is important to us that you feel well informed about Libraries Unlimited. We have answered lots of your questions so far and will update this page regularly.

Why is Libraries Unlimited a mutual?

Libraries Unlimited is owned by its staff and by communities. A mutual enables greater involvement of and accountability to those who benefit from the service, retaining community focus and social value at its core.

Who runs Libraries Unlimited?

Alex Kittow is the Chief Executive of Libraries Unlimited. A Board of Trustees sets, guides and oversees the strategic direction of the organisation, with Marie Chadwick leading as the Chair of Trustees. The Chief Executive and the management team are responsible for the day-to-day management of the organisation and its services.

Is Libraries Unlimited a registered charity?

Libraries Unlimited is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Our registered charity number is 1170092.

How is Libraries Unlimited funded?

Libraries Unlimited provides library services under contract to local authorities which provides for the majority of its funding but, as an independent charity, it also free to generate income in other ways. This could be by applying for grants and encouraging philanthropy, as well as adding to and developing the paid services offered by the library service.

What will happen to any profit made by Libraries Unlimited?

Libraries Unlimited is a not-for-profit organisation which works for community benefit. Any surplus income generated is reinvested into the organisation and its services.

Will libraries be run by volunteers?

Libraries Unlimited encourages and supports volunteering in libraries but it will not be reliant on volunteers to run libraries. Our libraries are run by paid staff. Libraries Unlimited will look to work with local communities to extend access to the service.

What is the role of Friends Groups and local communities in Libraries Unlimited?

Collaboration is vital to success. Libraries Unlimited works closely with Friends Groups and local communities, so they have a say and get involved in helping run their local library and the organisation as a whole.

Will Libraries Unlimited maintain or improve the quantity of books in libraries?

Libraries Unlimited aims to sustain investment in new books and circulate more of our existing collections between libraries to make best use of our book stock.

If you have a question you would like to ask, please email info@librariesunlimited.org.uk

Libraries Unlimited believes…

…in the unlimited potential of library services to make a positive difference to people’s lives and communities through a shared love of reading and access to high quality information and facilities.