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Diversity data of employees October 2022

Diversity data of employees

30 September 2022

Libraries Unlimited asks all staff across all roles and geographies to complete confidential diversity data. These charts show the results of that self-identification.

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The graph suggests a total of 380 employees.  Less than 10 are aged 18-20, 40 are aged 21-30, 60 are aged 31-40, 80 are aged 41-50, 115 are aged 51-60, around 60 are aged 61-70, around 10 are aged 71-80 and none are aged 81+.

Considered disabled

300 people say they do not consider themselves to be disabled.  Around 20 say they do consider themselves disabled.  The rest are prefer not to say or not known.

Considered neuro diverse

In the last quarter (July – September 2022 inclusive) we have started asking staff to self-identify whether they consider themselves to be neuro-diverse and the results are now added to this report.  50% of employees said they did not identify as neuro diverse and around 10% identified as being neuro diverse.


82% of the workforce is female, 18% is male.

Gender at birth

72% were identified as female at birth, 14% were identified as male at birth and 14% of respondents prefer not to say.

Gender identity

Around 75% identify as female and around 15% identify as male.  Around 10% prefer not to say and a small percentage identify as non-binary.

Gender reassignment

A small percentage of employees identified as having a different gender to that which was assigned at birth.  Approximately 10% preferred not to provide the information to this question.


Fourteen different nationalities are represented within the staff team.  Around 70% of employees identified as British and a further 15% identified as English.

Ethnic origin

Around 80% of staff identify as White British or White English Scottish Welsh or Northern Irish.  Seven other ethnic origins are identified.  Approximately 5% identify as “any other white background” and approximately 7% preferred not to say.

Sexual orientation

70% of staff identify as heterosexual and around 5% identify as lesbian/gay or bisexual.  A small percentage identify as other.  Around 25% respondents prefer not to say.


Approximately 40% of staff have no religion or belief and 30% are Christian.  Less than 5% are Buddhist and 5% chose “any other religion / belief”.  Almost 20% preferred not to say.

Marital status

Over 50% are married.  Approximately 20% are single and 15% chose not to specify.  The remainder are a fairly even mix of co-habiting, partners, divorced, widowed.

Caring responsibilities

Almost 50% staff have no caring responsibilities and around 15% preferred not to say.  Almost 30% are primary carer for a child under the age of 18 and a small number are the primary carer for a disabled adult aged over 18.  In the region of 5% are primary carer for an older person and a further 5% are a secondary carer.

Libraries Unlimited believes…

…in the unlimited potential of library services to make a positive difference to people’s lives and communities through a shared love of reading and access to high quality information and facilities.